Design Schematic


Your Design

Crop your image

X Shift (0-1):

Y Shift (0-1):

Rectangle Scale (fraction of max cropping rectangle):

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Flat Lithophane Maker

Turn your picture into a flat lithophane stl with the options below. You can place the window lithophane on the a windowsill or use twine and a suction cup.

Upload your image
Frame Options

Lithophane Resolution (mm/pixel):

Width (mm):

Height (mm):

Depth (mm):

Base Height (mm):

Overhang Angle (deg):

Maximum Thickness (mm):

Minimum Thickness (mm):

Stand Thickness (mm):

Stand Angle (degrees):

Est. Run Time (s):

Est. File Size (MB):

Must have an account to save settings
Read the Terms of Use


This lithophane maker provides options to control the size of the lithophane and the frame around the lithophane. As you change parameters, the picture under "You Design" will change so that you can track what your design looks like. The "Design Schematic" gives you defines to which dimension the parameters relate.
I suggest that you upload your image first, because this will let the tool know the aspect ratio of your image.
The Frame Options section lets you select the features you'd like to have on your frame. At the time of this writing, you can have 1) twine tunnels (as shown in the schematic), 2) a hook tab (tab with a hole in the middle) at the top center of the lithophane, or 3) a plain frame with no other features.
The lithophane resolution is the distance between pixels in the printed lithophane, so a value of 0.3 mm/pixel means that each unique lithophane thickness is 0.3mm apart in the x and y dimensions.
The base length determines the total length of the base (including the frame) and is the main "sizing" dimension.
The base width applies to only the frame. A larger base width makes for a sturdier frame.
The base height parameter makes the frame larger in the other dimension.
The overhang angle determines what becomes your overhang angle when you print the lithophane vertically.
The maximum and minimum thickness parameters set the maximum and minimum thickness of the lithophane, so these can be used to control lithophane brightness and contrast.
That's it! This is a pretty simple tool to use. If you have any questions or suggestions, please ask the Lithophane Maker User's group on Facebook, and if you don't get an answer there then email me at [email protected]. Enjoy!

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Light bulbs

Your lithophane will be ready to download momentarily.

If you're running into trouble, join the Lithophane Maker User's group on Facebook to ask questions, or email me at [email protected].
Support this service by linking to when you share pictures and videos of your lithophanes. Most makers find this site through referrals from lithophane makers like you!

You can also support the service by liking and following the videos, pages, and designs on YouTube, Thingiverse, social media! This will raise's visibility so that other makers can find the tools as well.

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Thingiverse (follow and like the designs): Thingiverse
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